Steampunk Octopus and Pirate

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This artwork began when I thought, gee, what would an octopus in the sky attacking a ship look like? A steampunk interpretation of 2000 Leagues Under the Sea. I started it on my iPad in Procreate in 2018 and it sat there for a long time. I would noodle at it during my lunch breaks at work. Then I got laid off because of the Corona virus, so I worked at it in earnest. I transferred it to my pc and worked on it in Photoshop. There were numerous drawing errors, especially on the pirate and the rope. For the most part, the octopus looked ok. I think for some reason I have my nose too close to the screen that I didn't step back to see the whole picture. For now on, I will flip horizontal more often (I have it set to the Quick Menu). The pirate is modeled after Alexander Dreymon who plays Utred of Bebbanburg on The Last Kingdom.

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Price Range: $4.95 - $49.95

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